Legal Support in On-Site and In-Office Tax Audits

Tax audit advisory and support. Preparation of objection notices. Appeal decisions.

Legal Support in On-Site and In-Office Tax Audits

Tax audit advisory and support. Preparation of objection notices. Appeal decisions.

For over 20 years, INTANA Legal provides support during on-site and in-office tax audits and appeals its results for such companies as VEB-Leasing, MOESK, Azimut, Adamas, Fortum

Latest trends in tax control confirm that the most effective strategy is preventive work carried out directly during the audit. It allows to contest additional charges out of court
The purpose of support during on-site tax audit is to minimize the body of evidence of tax authorities, avoid inclusion into control sheet of risks that cannot be mitigated

Therefore, a significant scope of work is performed by the consultant at the initial stages: submission of documents and explanations, and preparation of objections to the audit certificate

Tax audit support stages:

Some of our cases

We secured property tax exemption for the client

Client: Rosseti Moscow Region PJSC

Industry: Energy distribution

Issue: The tax authority refused in granting tax benefits, having acknowledged a range of movable property items as real estate assets. We had to appeal the results of in-office tax audit with the commercial court.

Our work included: We protected the client’s interests in the Moscow Region Commercial Court and discovered improper attachment of evidence during the audit. Federal Tax Service Directorate for Moscow Region reversed the appealed decision on its own, and the Tax Inspectorate was forcing the client to abandon the action. Abandonment could have resulted in adverse consequences, and the decision of the Tax Inspectorate was successfully appealed in court.

Result: Disputed items were registered as movable property, and the client was exempted from property tax on these items.
Transfer of foreign assets to Russia in the background of sanctions

Industry: Investments into construction

Issue: The client sought transfer of foreign assets into Russia, namely, shares in Russian and foreign companies, units in investment funds, and receivables from Russian and foreign entities.

Our work included:
• we developed a transaction structure with the most favourable taxation system for the client, and considering Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on sanctions;
• in scope of the 4th stage of capital amnesty, we prepared a special declaration and a notification on controlled foreign entities;
• we identified necessary documents to exercise income tax benefits for receipt and subsequent sale of assets.

Results: The assets were transferred to the client in complete compliance with sanction laws. He received valid tax instruments to declare income in form of assets and reduce taxable base for the subsequent sale. The client was also provided with a protection portfolio in case of potential claims of tax authorities.
Twofold reduction of charges based on the results of on-site tax audit

Client: Research and Development Enterprise Architecture, Engineering, Assembly LLC

Indutry: Installation of security systems at large restricted access facilities

Issue: The client was unsatisfied with the certificate of on-site tax audit. We had to appeal this document.

Our work included: We assessed appeal prospects, studied available evidence, and prepared additional objections to the audit certificate.

Result: Preparation of proper evidence and effective interaction with the tax authority allowed to reduce charges twofold.

Head of Tax Practice

Dmitrii Barskii
Legal practice: 15 years
Dmitrii possesses large experience in consulting financial, agro-industrial and production companies.

For 15 years, Dmitrii consults and represents clients during tax audits, successfully protects the interests of taxpayers in administrative proceedings and in court, manages tax Due Diligence, and supports business restructuring projects.

See portfolio →
  • Dmitrii Barskii
    Legal practice: 15 years
    Dmitrii possesses large experience in consulting financial, agro-industrial and production companies.

    For 15 years, Dmitrii consults and represents clients during tax audits, successfully protects the interests of taxpayers in administrative proceedings and in court, manages tax Due Diligence, and supports business restructuring projects.

    See portfolio →

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+7 495 937 54 85

4/3 bld.3 Strastnoy boulevard,
Moscow, 125375, Russia